Hematology Question Bank

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Hematology Question Bank

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Category: Hematology

1. In what condition would an LAP score of 180 most likely be found?

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Category: Hematology

2. Which leukemia is characterized by a proliferation of megakaryoblasts and positivity for CD41, CD42, and CD61 by flow cytometry?

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Category: Hematology

3. What is the MCHC?

Hemoglobin 11.1 g/dL
RBC 3.65 x 10^12/L
Hematocrit 32.5%


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4. What is the process of blood cell formation called?

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5. Which stain is used for reticulocyte count ?

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6. Which of the following cell type will stain negative in Myeloperoxidase (MPO) stains?

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Category: Hematology

7. World Health Organization (WHO) defines acute leukemia as?

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Category: Hematology

8. Which of the following stain is used in the diagnosis of Hairy cell leukemia?

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Category: Hematology

9. Defective nuclear maturation commonly results in the production of red cells that are ?

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Category: Hematology

10. In Waldenstrom macroglobulinemia which immunoglobin is increasingly produced?

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Category: Hematology

11. Which protein regulates iron homeostasis ?

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Category: Hematology

12. What is an increase in the percentage of lymphocytes called?

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13. What is a true increase in the number of lymphocytes called ?

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Category: Hematology

14. Which hemolytic anemia occurs most often in children following E. coli infection?

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Category: Hematology

15. Auer rods will stain positive in which of the following stains?

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Category: Hematology

16. What does Wright’s stain consist of ?

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Category: Hematology

17. Hgb C Disease/Hgb CC is caused by substitution of glutamic acid with..

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Category: Hematology

18. An aggressive form of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma is?

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Category: Hematology

19. Which neutrophil abnormality is associated with Vitamin B12 deficiency?

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Category: Hematology

20. What is this cell?

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Category: Hematology

21. Which hemoglobin migrates with Hgb S and Hgb G on alkaline hemoglobin electrophoresis?

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22. Decrease in absolute number of neutrophils is called ?

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Category: Hematology

23. Senescent RBCs are phagocytized by macrophages in the liver or spleen and removed through 

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Category: Hematology

24. Calculate percent transferrin 

Serum iron is 22 μg/dL

 TIBC is 180 μg/dL


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Category: Hematology

25. Which of the following clinical finding is associated with Hgb SS disease?

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Category: Hematology

26. What is the genetic translocation in FAB L3/Burkitt lymphoma?

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Category: Hematology

27. A cutaneous lymphoma that causes skin itching and ulcerative tumor are called?

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Category: Hematology

28. What is the first type of blood cell produced by the developing embryo?

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Category: Hematology

29.  Burkitt lymphoma is associated with which of the following virus?

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Category: Hematology

30. Which stain is used to enumerate reticulocytes ?

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Category: Hematology

31. Which hemoglobin migrates with with hemoglobins A2, E, and O on alkaline hemoglobin electropheroseis?

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Category: Hematology

32. Which macrocytic anemia affects the Central Nervous System?

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Category: Hematology

33. A block in the protoporphyrin pathway resulting in defective hemoglobin synthesis is characteristic of which type of anemia?

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Category: Hematology

34. Defective hemoglobin synthesis due to a block in the protoporphyrin pathway will result in which type of anemia?

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35. Which classification for hematopoietic malignancy is the accepted standard for diagnosis?

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Category: Hematology

36. Which stain is used for reticulocyte count?

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Category: Hematology

37. A sudden loss of blood from traumatic injuries is..

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Category: Hematology

38. Which gene mutation is associated with chronic myelogenous leukemia?

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Category: Hematology

39. Which hemolytic anemia is caused due to a deficiency of the enzyme ADAMTS 13?

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Category: Hematology

40. Which of the following differentiates non-megaloblastic macrocytic anemias from megaloblastic anemias?

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Category: Hematology

41. Which of the following is the most common cause of iron deficiency?

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Category: Hematology

42. French-American-British (FAB) defines acute leukemia as?

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Category: Hematology

43. Which of the following characterizes sideroblastic anemia?

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Category: Hematology

44. What is the major storage form of iron?

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Category: Hematology

45. Which of the following disorders is associated with left shift, toxic changes to neutrophils, increased WBC count, and high Leukocyte Alkaline Phosphatase (LAP) score ?

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Category: Hematology

46. What does the term “poikilocytosis” mean?

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Category: Hematology

47. Antigen-independent lymphopoiesis occurs in 

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Category: Hematology

48. Which of the following stain is used to visualize iron granules in RBCs ?

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Category: Hematology

49. What is this cell multi-lobed cells called?

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Category: Hematology

50. Which of the following is not classified as a myeloproliferative disorder?

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Category: Hematology

51. Which of the following conditions is most commonly associated with pica?

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Category: Hematology

52. What term describes a mature red blood cell that contains iron granules ?

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Category: Hematology

53. Which stain is useful in the diagnosis of acute monocytic leukemia (FAB M5)?

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Category: Hematology

54. Which lymphoma has Reed-Sternberg cells?

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Category: Hematology

55. An increased number of immature cell types in the peripheral blood is 

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Category: Hematology

56. Which Chromosomal defects are diagnostic for acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL)?

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Category: Hematology

57. Di Guglielmo syndrome is also classified as?

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Category: Hematology

58. Where is erythropoietin produced ?

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Category: Hematology

59. Which of the following is the most commonly used routine stain for blood smear?

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Category: Hematology

60. Hemoglobin A2 consists of ?

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Category: Hematology

61. Which of the following red blood cell morphology abnormalities is associated hemoglobinopathies?

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Category: Hematology

62. Which of the following is associated with a “shift to the right” in the oxygen dissociation curve of hemoglobin ?

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Category: Hematology

63. Which of the following factors will result in an immediate increase in oxygen delivery to the tissues ? 

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Category: Hematology

64. Which inclusion is seen in G6PD (glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase) deficiency?

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Category: Hematology

65. What is the MCHC?

Hemoglobin 14.1 g/dL
RBC 4.12 x 10^12/L
Hematocrit 41.3%



CD13, CD33 positive (myeloid) and CD14 positive (monocytes)

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Category: Hematology

66. Which of the following cell markers is positive in acute myelomonocytic leukemia (AMML; FAB M4)?

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Category: Hematology

67. Impaired DNA metabolism is characteristic of which type of anemia?

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Category: Hematology

68. Which of the following is found in biopsies of individuals with Hodgkin lymphoma?

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Category: Hematology

69. What is the average lifespan of a normal red blood cell ?

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Category: Hematology

70. What is the primary site of hematopoiesis in the fifth month of gestation?

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Category: Hematology

71. What is the MCH?

Hemoglobin 11.1 g/dL
RBC 3.65 x 10^12/L
Hematocrit 32.5%


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72. Which of the following is a true red cell aplasia?

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Category: Hematology

73. Which type of anemia will cause iron overload?

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Category: Hematology

74. A 27-year-old woman complains to his physician of pain and fatigue. Her results are as follows: 

WBC 5.4 x 10^9/L 

RBC 3.9 x 10^12/L 

Hemoglobin 8.2 g/dL

Hematocrit 28%

MCV 72 fL

MCHC 29.3 g/dL

ESR increased

Serum iron and total iron-binding capacity (TIBC) both decreased

Serum ferritin slightly elevated. 

Presence of Prussian-blue-stainable iron in bone marrow was also noted.

Based her laboratory result, what is the cause of anemia?

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Category: Hematology

75. What is this cell?

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Category: Hematology

76. Pancytopenia is seen in which type of anemia?

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Category: Hematology

77. What is this cell?

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Category: Hematology

78. Which gene mutation is implicated in Essential thrombocythemia (ET)?

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Category: Hematology

79. Impaired release of storage iron due to increased hepcidin levels will result in ?

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Category: Hematology

80. Which of the following is a lipid storage disorder caused by deficiency in glucocerebrosidase

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Category: Hematology

81. Which of the following cell markers are seen in B cell malignancy?

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Category: Hematology

82. Which stain is useful in the diagnosis of erythroleukemia (FAB M6) and acute lymphoblastic leukemia?

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Category: Hematology

83. Deficiency of intrinsic factors causes?

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Category: Hematology

84. Which of the following characterizes iron deficiency anemia?

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Category: Hematology

85. Which of the following stains are used to differentiate blasts of acute myelogenous leukemias (AMLs) from acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALLs)?

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Category: Hematology

86. Which neutrophil abnormality is caused by MYH9 gene mutation, and characterized by the presence of Dohle-like bodies, giant platelets and thrombocytopenia?

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Category: Hematology

87. What is the pH of blood?

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Category: Hematology

88. Which of the following is a lipid storage disorder caused by deficiency in sphingomyelinase, associated with foamy bone marrow appearance ?

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Category: Hematology

89. Which abnormal red blood cell is seen in abetalipoproteinemia?

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Category: Hematology

90. What are the two primary lymphoid tissues ?

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Category: Hematology

91. Which of the following is used to differentiate leukemoid reaction from chronic myelogenous leukemia ?

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Category: Hematology

92. Which type of anemia would you see ringed sideroblasts?

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Category: Hematology

93. Diphyllobothrium latum is associated with the development of?

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Category: Hematology

94. Which cell type is predominant in acute lymphoblastic leukemia?

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Category: Hematology

95. Which type of anemia is associated with hypersegmented neutrophils?

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Category: Hematology

96. Basophilic stippling is composed of

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Category: Hematology

97. Microcytic, hypochromic red cells are most often associated with impaired

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Category: Hematology

98. Granulocytic cells will stain positive in which of the following stains?

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Category: Hematology

99. Which of the following is used to differentiate leukemoid reaction from chronic myelogenous leukemia?

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Category: Hematology

100. Which erythrocyte metabolic pathway generates adenosine triphosphate (ATP) through glycolysis?

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Category: Hematology

101. What is this cell?

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Category: Hematology

102. Which of the following acquired hemolytic disorder causes intravascular hemolysis, presents with thrombocytopenia and schistocytes in peripheral blood smear?

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Category: Hematology

103. What are the three stages of hematopoiesis?

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Category: Hematology

104. Hemoglobin F consists of  ?

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Category: Hematology

105. What is the pH of blood ?

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Category: Hematology

106. What is the oxidation state of iron in Hemoglobin ?

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Category: Hematology

107. A neutrophil disorder caused by mutations in the LYST gene and associated oculocutaneous albinism is ?

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Category: Hematology

108. Serum ferritin is an indirect measurement of 

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Category: Hematology

109. What is the MCV?

Hemoglobin 14.9 g/dL
RBC 4.84 x 10^12/L
Hematocrit 44.4%


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Category: Hematology

110. Decreased haptoglobin is indicative of 

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Category: Hematology

111. Blood loss caused by gastrointestinal bleeding is classified as

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Category: Hematology

112. Programmed cell death is called ?

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Category: Hematology

113. Which of the following anemia is associated with dwarfism and mental retardation?

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Category: Hematology

114. What is the primary site of hematopoiesis in the first month of gestation?

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Category: Hematology

115. Which of the following characterizes Vitamin B12 deficiency Anemia?

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Category: Hematology

116. What structure do methylene blue stain?

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Category: Hematology

117. Basophilia is associated with ?

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Category: Hematology

118. What is this cell?

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Category: Hematology

119. What is the MCH?

Hemoglobin 14.1 g/dL
RBC 4.12 x 10^12/L
Hematocrit 41.3%



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Category: Hematology

120. What is the genetic translocation for FAB M2 (AML with maturation)?

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Category: Hematology

121. Which test is used to differentiate Warm autoimmune hemolytic anemia (WAIHA) from hereditary spherocytosis?

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Category: Hematology

122. Which of the following stain is used to visualize iron granules in RBCs?

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Category: Hematology

123. Which hemoglobin forms are incapable of oxygen transport ?

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Category: Hematology

124. Which test is used to differentiate chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) from a neutrophilic leukemoid reaction (NLR)?

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Category: Hematology

125. What is this cell?

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Category: Hematology

126. Identify the cell

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Category: Hematology

127. What is a true increase in the number of lymphocytes called?

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Category: Hematology

128. A 21-year-old woman complains to his physician of fatigue, dizziness, and craving for ice. Her results are as follows: 

Based on her laboratory result, what is the cause of anemia?

WBC 4.8 x 10^9/L 

RBC 3.75 x 10^12/L 

Hemoglobin 9.8 g/dL

Hematocrit 29%

MCV 77.3 fL

MCHC 33.8 g/dL

Serum iron and ferritin is decreased

Elevated total iron-binding capacity (TIBC) 

Blood smear shows microcytic hypochromic red blood cells

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Category: Hematology

129. Chronic myeloproliferative disorders terminate in?

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Category: Hematology

130. What does Wright’s stain consist of?

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Category: Hematology

131. What is this cell?

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Category: Hematology

132. The most common cause of aplastic anemia is?

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Category: Hematology

133. The presence of the chromosomal abnormality t(15;17) with disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) is diagnostic of?

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Category: Hematology

134. This abnormality is caused by mutation in LYST gene, what is this cell?

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Category: Hematology

135. What are the stages of erythrocyte maturation from the earliest recognizable stage?

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Category: Hematology

136. Which of the following red blood cell precursors is the last stage to undergo mitosis?

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Category: Hematology

137. What is this cell?

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Category: Hematology

138. What is the MCV?

Hemoglobin 11.1 g/dL
RBC 3.65 x 10^12/L
Hematocrit 32.5%


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Category: Hematology

139. What is the normal ratio of myeloid to erythroid precursors in the bone marrow (M:E ratio)?

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Category: Hematology

140.  Which malignant disorder is characterized by the presence of oval macrocytes, poikilocytosis, teardrop cells, leukoerythroblastic anemia and abnormal morphology associated with all cell lines ?

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Category: Hematology

141. Impaired DNA metabolism is characteristic of which type of anemia?

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Category: Hematology

142. Adult hemoglobin consists of ?

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Category: Hematology

143. Which type of hemoglobin is produced in the mesoblastic phase?

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Category: Hematology

144. The majority of iron found in an adult is a constituent of

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Category: Hematology

145. What are the stages of granulocyte development ?

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Category: Hematology

146. Which of the following protein stimulates red blood cell production?

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Category: Hematology

147. Antigen-dependent lymphopoiesis occurs in secondary lymphoid tissue located in 

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Category: Hematology

148. Which hemoglobin migrates  with hemoglobins A2, C, and O on alkaline hemoglobin electropheroseis?

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Category: Hematology

149. What is the primary site of hematopoiesis in the third month of gestation?

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Category: Hematology

150. What is this cell?

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Category: Hematology

151. Neutrophils with 5 or more lobes are called ?

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Category: Hematology

152. Which disorder occurs when glutamic acid is replaced by valine at position 6 on both beta chains.?

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Category: Hematology

153. Which of the following characterizes anemia of chronic inflammation?

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Category: Hematology

154. Which of the following test is used to measure bone marrow erythropoiesis?

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Category: Hematology

155. Thalassemias are the result of a?

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Category: Hematology

156.   Which erythrocyte metabolic pathway generates 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate ?

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Category: Hematology

157. Which chromosomal defects are diagnostic for acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL)?

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Category: Hematology

158. What is the MCH?

Hemoglobin 14.9 g/dL
RBC 4.84 x 10^12/L
Hematocrit 44.4%


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Category: Hematology

159. In what condition would an LAP score of 10 most likely be found?

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Category: Hematology

160. Which of the following is the major transport protein of iron ?

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Category: Hematology

161. What is the structure of the hemoglobin molecule ? 

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Category: Hematology

162. Basophilia is associated with?

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Category: Hematology

163. Which term describes a decrease in all blood cell lines?

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Category: Hematology

164. Which protein transports hemoglobin dimers resulting from intravascular hemolysis ? 

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Category: Hematology

165. What structures do methylene blue stain?

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Category: Hematology

166. Which of the following test is used to measure bone marrow erythropoiesis?

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Category: Hematology

167. What is the MCV?

Hemoglobin 14.1 g/dL
RBC 4.12 x 10^12/L
Hematocrit 41.3%



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Category: Hematology

168. What does the term “anisocytosis” mean?

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Category: Hematology

169. Which of the following is the most commonly used routine stain for blood smear ?

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Category: Hematology

170. What is an excessive accumulation of iron in body tissues called?

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Category: Hematology

171. Impaired DNA metabolism is characteristic of which type of anemia?

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Category: Hematology

172. What substance has a greater affinity for hemoglobin than oxygen ?

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Category: Hematology

173. What is the expected result of a solubility test for patients with Hgb SS disease?

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Category: Hematology

174. What hemoglobin is predominant at birth ?

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Category: Hematology

175. What is the primary site for pre-T cell differentiation?

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Category: Hematology

176. This rod is associated with acute promyelocytic leukemia(AML). Identify the cell?

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Category: Hematology

177.  Which cell type is predominant in acute myelogeneous leukemia?

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Category: Hematology

178. What is this cell?

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Category: Hematology

179. Which of the following is diagnostic of Multiple myeloma?

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Category: Hematology

180. Pappenheimer bodies are composed of ?

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Category: Hematology

181. What is this cell?

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Category: Hematology

182. What is the genetic translocation in chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML)?

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Category: Hematology

183. Hgb D Disease is caused by substitution of glutamic acid with.

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Category: Hematology

184. What is the primary site for pre-B cell differentiation ?

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Category: Hematology

185. What are the stages of erythrocyte maturation from the earliest recognizable stage ?

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Category: Hematology

186. Which of the following is an acquired membrane defect in which the red cell membrane has increased sensitivity for complement binding?

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Category: Hematology

187. Howell-Jolly bodies are composed of 

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Category: Hematology

188. Which of the following inclusions is only visible with supravital stain?

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Category: Hematology

189. Which of the following disorder is associated with left shift with toxic changes to neutrophils, increased WBC count, and high Leukocyte Alkaline Phosphatase (LAP) score?

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Category: Hematology

190. Smudge cell is seen in which of the following malignancy?

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Category: Hematology

191. Which malignant disorder is associated with left shift with myelocytes the predominate cell?

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Category: Hematology

192. Which classification is based on cellular morphology and cytochemical stain results?

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Category: Hematology

193. In normocytic/normochromic anemia reticulocyte is

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Category: Hematology

194. Total iron binding capacity (TIBC) measures 

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Category: Hematology

195. Which gene mutation is implicated in polycythemia?

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Category: Hematology

196. What red cell morphologic abnormality has evenly spaced round projections and is associated with pyruvate kinase deficiency 

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Category: Hematology

197. Increased LAP score is seen in?

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Category: Hematology

198. Which of the following stains is used in distinguishing acute leukemias of myeloid origin from the monocytic origin?

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Category: Hematology

199. A 25-year-old woman complains to his physician of extreme fatigue. Her CBC results are as follows: 

WBC 6.8 x 10^9/L  
RBC 3.9 x 10^12/L  
Hemoglobin 9.2 g/dL
Hematocrit 30%
MCV 77fl
MCH 24 pg
MCHC 31 g/dL


Serum Iron Ferritin RDW TIBC Prussian blue stain
Decreased Decreased Decreased  Increased Absent iron stores

The results of the CBC and iron studies, in this case, are most characteristic of?

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Category: Hematology

200. Which cell transports oxygen and removes metabolic waste from the body ?

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Category: Hematology

201. Lymphocytic cell stains negative in which of the following stains?

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Category: Hematology

202. Which neutrophil abnormality is caused by mutation in Lamin B receptor and characterized by the presence of bilobed neutrophils ?

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Category: Hematology

203. What is an increase in the percentage of lymphocytes called ?

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Category: Hematology

204. Impaired DNA metabolism is characteristic of which type of anemia ?

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Category: Hematology

205. What red cell morphologic abnormality have unevenly pointed projections and associated with abetalipoproteinemia

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Category: Hematology

206. What is the most common enzyme deficiency in Embden Meyerhof Pathway?

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Category: Hematology

207. Which of the following malignancies results in dry tape on bone marrow aspiration and also presents with pancytopenia?

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Category: Hematology

208. Which erythrocyte metabolic pathway generates NADPH ?

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Category: Hematology

209. Hemoglobinopathies are inherited disorders caused by

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